Brandon Back, La Cueva
How did you fi rst get interested in coaching? Did you have somebody who got you
excited about coaching as a career?
Like most people that enter the coaching profession I had a mentor in high school that
just said the right things that made me think I could coach in the future. I’ve always loved
the technical side teaching football technique and a couple of my high school coaches oh,
probably just in passing, told me that I would make a good coach someday. That’s stuck
with me and still continues to stick with me to this day.
What would you have become professionally if not a teacher/coach?
What appealed to you about that profession?
My original goal in life was to be a
firefighter paramedic. However, I
blew out my ACL for the second
time and while rehabbing
and trying to test for the fire
department again I got my
first coaching job in high
school. I fell in love with it
instantly and decided to
make a career change.
Just the opportunity
to teach life lessons
through this great game.
And be around some of
the most unique and
talented young men in
our city.
30 2019 Albuquerque High Schools Football Yearbook